Saturday, April 22, 2017

Party and Gym Bro

Reno was finally becoming a teen.

Kade baked him a blue cake. (Although it looked more aqua.)

Reno was a good mix of both his parents. He hadn't completed his 2nd childhood aspiration, but he didn't seem upset by it.

Sadly, not loo long after it was Kade's time to go.

He lived a good life even if he did never fulfilled his desire to become the emperor of evil.

Elle pleaded for her husband to be spared -- but was denied.

They buried Kade next to the rest of the Blue family, adorning his headstone with a bag of loot from his last heist.

After the sadness lifted, Jett threw a party for his brother's birthday.

Nash was becoming a young adult!

The party was a bronze star success.

Although it helped Jett start his party animal aspiration off.

Nash got a bedroom remodel. (Somehow the floor disappeared and would not come back.) Regardless, it was a pretty nice bedroom.

To help live into Reno's athletic aspiration and Nash's social, the brothers visited the local gym.

They spotted Iain...

...and Mila there!

While Reno worked out, Nash was busy schmoozing.

Remember Asa?

B.O. didn't even bother him...

...nor did talking through doors.

Quick family picture.

Lily and Wade still haunted the property.

While poor exhausted Elle worked nights in the oracle branch of criminology.

The bonus of having so many friends -- free food!

Quick headshot of Reno working out.

Quick headshot of Jett going to bake some chocolate chip cookies.

Yum cookies.

After finishing his cookie, Jett threw himself a giant birthday bash. He was a party animal after all.

It was the first time in a while where there was actually an audience for blowing out the candles.

Afterward, Elle popped over for a visit to her brother and sister's house. Wasn't she the eldest? Oh well.

An exhausted Jett decided he would rather sleep in his brother's bed...

...even though his room just had its adult makeover.

Here are the boys' stats for reference:

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