It was Lily's time to go.
After a long life, a successful career, reaching her lifetime goal, and 4 children...
...Lily was summoned by the Grim Reaper. A very pregnant Fawn was heartbroken.
Older sister Eden did come to visit for support...sporting a very new hairstyle.
Unfortunately, there was a little too much support, too much of the time, and Fawn couldn't even pee in private. Which resulted in a very embarrassing accident.
Luckily, Eden was quick to overlook it.
Wade and Lily were still there in "spirit."
And were able to witness the birth of their first grandchild, so to speak.
Dave joined the family.
They were now a family of 3 (and 2 ghosts.) *And lots of broken appliances.*
Little Dave grew so fast.
It felt like he was a baby one day.
And a child the next.
Another red-haired Blue!
*Cake for breakfast!*
Since Dave rolled music lover, a little green violin was purchased.
One more hysterical pee later, and Fawn found out she was expecting baby #2.
The cake for breakfast thing was definitely catching on.
Before she knew it a little girl joined the family. Meet Jill Blue.
Dave was now a big brother!
Again, it seemed like Jill transformed from a little baby to a child over a few days. She rolled bookworm.
Since Fawn felt the urge for a family of 3, she and Emery got down to business once more. Since Lily wasn't there to awkwardly interrupt their woo hoo sesssions, a random neighbor decided to drop by...sans pants.
*Hi guys!*
Even with the distraction, the baby-making worked. Fawn was pregnant with #3.
While Fawn "enjoyed" her pregnancy and experienced a few more bladder accidents, Dave and Jill grew close. They both enjoyed chess...
...and listening to their Dad read them stories. Dave found this story particularly hilarious.
Fawn still found time to focus on increasing her painting skill. Only 2 more levels and she would complete her lifetime goal. While Emery worked on improving his charisma to move up the athletic career ladder.
*So sweet*
While randomly feeling an urge to kick box while 9 months pregnant, Fawn went into labor for the 3rd time.
Little Chad joined the family.
While Jill and Dave worked on trying to become whiz kids, Chad quickly transitioned from infant to school age.
While not looking much like his siblings, Chad also inherited the red hair. (What a strong gene!) He rolled neat to round the family out.
So many red-heads! I'm a little sad no one inherited Lily's blue skin tone :(
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