Monday, March 28, 2016

All Grown Up

The Blues returned to a not-so-relaxing home. Everything was either dirty or broken. They all spent between noon and one that day fixing and cleaning everything.

Afterwards they were all miserable. During the trip both Fawn and Jill had a block of time that they would not visit the outhouse and subsequently had accidents. Everyone's fun was down due to cleaning/fixing frenzy they just had (except Chad's, he really enjoyed cleaning and well other people's misery.)

The next night the Blues got together (and actually remembered) to celebrate Dave's birthday.

Jill was really good at getting the party going.

Unfortunately, they spent a little too much time dancing and when Dave was finally ready to blow out the candles everyone was already saying their goodbyes.

Even though the party was not a success, Dave still had a good time. 

He shared his cake with his siblings.

*Now I can see the resemblance.* 

Meanwhile, Chad transitioned Lily's old room from pink to well not pink.

Although, he felt completely comfortable hanging out with friends in his parent's bedroom.

Soon it was time for Jill's and Fawn's birthday.

They invited the maximum number of guests. 

Fawn went first.

...and a super excited Jill went second.

Dave always brightened up the mood.This time the party was a silver medal success.

After the party Jill and Dave decided it was time to for them to launch. They both moved out together, leaving Chad the only child at home.


Chad won the heir poll! Thank you for voting -- it was super close. :)
It made me sad to move Jill and Dave out. I really get attached to my Sims!

Also, I think I forgot to mention this earlier, but I am following the "Drew Rule" about repairs. This is why it always looks like half my house is broken (well because it is.) Also, the ghost rule is driving me crazy since they're responsible for half of the broken items. Since the Blue's finally have some money I just went through and upgraded half their appliances. Fingers crossed that this will make a difference.

The Drew Rule, if something breaks it can only be repaired at 12pm-1pm, new stuff that breaks after that time can not be repaired until noon this next day.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Blue Family Vacation

This time it wasn't the mental points but the grades that prevented Chad from becoming a child whiz. 

The Blues actually remembered to throw a birthday party this time.

It was another silver medal success.

It appeared the party was extremely hard on the plumbing.

Everything that could be broken was pretty much broken.

Poor neat freak Chad was overwhelmed by the mess. So many puddles!

Fawn, not even wanting to think about tackling all of the projects, decided it was time for the Blues to take a vacation.

Of course, everyone knows how much teenagers love to vacation with their parents!

Chad enjoyed counting mosquitoes.

Dave, well Dave genuinely enjoyed everything.

Fawn got her beanie weanies on.

Jill only set a few marshmallows on fire.

...and did pretty average at horseshoes.

Emery got extremely annoyed by that bear.

For real, who wears a bear costume?

More average horseshoe playing.

More annoying bears. Although Emery did meet his long-lost hair brother.

A super expensive tent was purchased. (The Blues originally picked out the campground to save money.)

Some uncomfortable log napping. 

Some real uncomfortable log napping...while Jill decided to work on extra credit.

Some brotherly love...and boy does Chad look like he's enjoying his dinner.

Sadly for Dave, the very expensive tent only slept 4 people. 

By the next day, everyone was looking forward to the end of this camping trip.


Since I want to give people plenty of time to vote for the next heir(ess), you can go to the poll here: VOTE HERE!

If you're curious and would like more details on the kids traits & aspirations: CLICK ME!
This also contains how I'm doing on points, following the rules, and knocking out challenges.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

No Happy Birthday to You

The bedroom was arranged to sleep all 3 siblings. 

With a final artistic point under her belt Fawn finished her aspiration! Only 2 days after forgetting to celebrate her birthday into adulthood.

While at the "Clubhouse" trying to earn his last logic point to finish out his child whiz aspiration, Dave had a very uneventful birthday. 

He gave himself a pep-talk in the mirror to try to ease his sadness.

While Chad snuck into his seat.

Since Dave inherited his grandfather's build, he decided to immediately start working on his fitness.

Jill and Chad really threw themselves into improving their mental skills, since Dave had missed his childhood aspiration by just a hair.

*Pink bikinis are in.*

While at home Emery had a very non-celebratory birthday into adulthood. *Dang it!*

Jill finally satisfied all of the requirements for being a brilliant child!

Which was good since it was her birthday.

*Just some quick crunches before cake.*

The family finally remembered to actually celebrate a birthday this time! It was a silver medal success.



Since Jill and Dave were both now teens, they decided they probably should make some friends. Since their childhoods had been mostly filled with chess, chemistry sets, and doing focused homework, their social lives were a bit lacking.

They also both had no idea that invisible pants were a thing now. *See how much you miss when you're always studying!*

Dave immediately hit if off with one of his classmates. *Oh look at those faces!*

Although he had nothing on Jill's confidence. 


Dang it! I didn't realize I had any bad CC :( Now I'll need to search for those invis-a-pants.