Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Little Fire and a Lot of Birthdays

The Blue's experienced their first house fire. Sadly, it took 2 days before they could replace everything. Somehow Luke's bed burned up as well, even though no damage was caused to the connecting wall. *Magic*

The cute kiddos all got along pretty well for living in such tight quarters.

*Like father, like son*

Wade celebrated his birthday uneventfully, alone. While on the other hand, Lily had a huge bash for hers.

Lily invited literally everyone she knew.

Though, only one of her children actually witnessed the blowing out of the candles.

The party was a silver medal success.

The next night, the family had a lower key birthday party for Eden.

She transformed into a lovely, goofball, teenager.

The family still needed to invest in a few more dining chairs.

...and definitely a second shower.BO was still an issue.

Though, all 4 kids were really great at doing their homework. 

It looked like Eden was going to have to go more for dry humor to fulfill her joke star dream.

The family often dined lavishly on grilled cheese and froot loops.

Finally, it was time for the triplets to celebrate their birthdays.

Luke went first, and blew out the candles, while his very enthusiastic father looked on.

Fawn went second. One excited guest blew a horn he brought from home, while another yawned dramatically.

Last, but not least, Ryan took his turn. By this point, most of the guests were busy eating.

Even with this horrifying glitch, the party was a gold medal success.

Sadly, the athetletic Ryan developed a bit of gut right off the bat.

He immediately ran (took a cab) to the gym so he could get rid of his midsection.

Luke, also followed suit.

Running while watching the cooking channel. 2 skills at once. Multi tasking master.

Ryan was quickly seeing results. Especially since he would use any opportunity for a little ab work.

Eden, the goofball, was finally caught smiling.

While, Lily kept working on her career.

Though, with all her time spent behind the computer doing intelligence research, she also noticed a bit of widening around the mid-section. Taking a few jogs would take care of that, of course.

The family also finally had enough money to start a second floor. Sure the boys didn't have all 4 walls...or a roof...but it was a start.

Over the next few paychecks, the house kept growing.

A second bathroom, was also in the works. Yay!

Eventually, the boys room received all 4 walls and a roof was in place once again.


Building houses isn't one of my strong points, but I'm quite proud of this little creation.

Also, I have created an heir poll to see which of the 4 children will take on the next generation. You can vote here: VOTE HERE

Here is a page with all of the kids information & more pictures too: GENERATION 1

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the boys really did get big guts. Was that from Wade?

    The little pink cottage is so cute, great job!
